mkdir /media/dsview
mount /dev/cdrom/ /media/dsview/
cd /media/dsview/ dsview_4_0_0_76_linux_install_
cp install.sh /root
cd /root
chmod 777 install.sh
l 赋予安装文件可执行权限并执行安装。
[root@localhost ~]# ./install.sh
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
Launching installer...
DSView_4 (created with InstallAnywhere)
l 语言选择时,按1后,按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
EMERSON© DSView 4® Installation - Language Setting
->1- English[Default]
2- Japanese
3- Chinese
For English language setting, please press Enter. For other language setting
please press the corresponding number and then press Enter: 1
l 安装方式选择时,按1后,按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
EMERSON© DSView 4® Installation - DSView 4 New
The DSView installer will now guide you through the installation process.
->1- Install DSView 4 [Default]
2- Back to previous page
3- Quit the installation process
Enter the desired option and then press <Enter>: 1
l 阅读软件许可协议是,一直按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
End User License Agreement (EULA)
This EULA also applies to DSView® 3 Software Versions 3.2 through 3.7.4 and
supersedes all prior EULAs applicable to those versions.
Warning! If you do not accept the terms of the License Agreement you will not
be allowed to continue with this installation.
l 提示是否接受许可协议时,按 Y后,按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
Do you accept the terms of this license agreement (Y/N): Y
EMERSON© DSView 4® Installation - Settings Overview
DSView 4® Installation Setting
#Destination: /usr/local/Emerson/DSView_4
#Listening HTTPS Port:443
#Listening Proxy Port:1078
#Listening SSH Port:4122
#Listening SYSLOG Port:4514
PostgreSQL Server Installing Setting
#IP Address:
#User name:postgres
l 设置选择时,按1后,按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
->1- Install with settings above [Default]
2- Change settings for DSView 4
3- Change settings for PostgreSQL
4- Previous page
5- Quit the installation process
Enter the desired option and then press <Enter>: 1
EMERSON© DSView 4® Installation - PostgreSQL New Password Setting
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length, with at least one
numeric, one lowercase, one uppercase character, and no space.
l 数据库密码设置时,输入两次“A1b2c3d4”,按“回车”(Enter)键盘。
Enter password value:
Enter password value again:
Installation Complete
Congratulations! DSView 4 has been successfully installed to:
You can now launch DSView in your browser using the URL:
l 安装完成后,按“回车”(Enter)键,结束安装程序。
Please press <Enter> to complete installation:
[root@localhost ~]#
- 上一篇:机房集中控管方案 2014/3/11
- 下一篇:微型B级(冗余型)机房 2014/2/18